The reason mindfulness is a mainstream word now is in large part due to the extraordinary life of a Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, who recently made his transition at the age of 95. When he was seven, after seeing the face of the Buddha on the cover of a Buddhist magazine in a newsstand, he decided that he wanted to be like him: peaceful. The serenity he witnessed on the face of the Buddha was totally new to him. Nobody around him was like that, and he was determined to become peaceful and teach this peacefulness to his fellow countrymen.

Compassion At Work
We are in a conference room outside of Detroit this past August when a woman I’ve been randomly paired with – let’s refer to her as Grace- starts spilling her guts to me about her mother. She is crying as she tells me her elderly mom hasn’t spoken to her in years even though Grace is, in large part, her only lifeline.

Healthcare has a $68,000,000,000 little secret. So what in the world does this secret mean to you and me?
Here is my story.

Compassion is a critical component of being a good doctor, but beyond my medical practice, compassion is an important element of all my relationships. Practicing compassion and empathy makes me a better husband, father, and friend. As an added benefit, it is good for my health.
Exercising empathy, and consciously incorporating compassion in your relationships, can improve your physical and emotional well-being.

We start where you are
Ok, now that I have made the decision (commitment is still coming), to get to my optimal BMI now what? How do I figure out what my optimal BMI actually is?
Do you know yours?