Hich Cholesterol - Now What? CHOLESTEROL 101

by Sherri Richards

In the past week, at least six people in my world told me their doctor told them they have high cholesterol. The lament I have heard from everyone is what does this mean, and what do I do about it?

The typical guidance from their physician is to eat less fat and get more exercise. Sometimes, it even comes with a recommendation to go on drugs called statins.

I have been and am still in this situation as well. It is frustrating because, as a person living in the world of good fat, I know there is more to the story. First, let me say that while I am not a doctor, this article was reviewed by Dr. Sheridan Thiringer, who has spent his life working in family practice and providing medical counsel to thousands of patients over the years as they struggled with their cholesterol issues. We have spent hours discussing this topic. I am also a tenacious, curious human on a mission to understand this mysterious, complicated, and critical topic. I want to understand what cholesterol really is, why we should care about it, and how we can manage it efficiently and effectively through our behaviors. Let me say upfront this has been challenging.

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