Mini Bowenwork Class
Giesla Bosch of Internal Balance is offering a Mini Bowenwork Class.
Support your health by learning Bowenwork moves that encourage lymphatic drainage in the chest area.
Bowenwork is a system of touch that initiates a series of responses throughout the nervous, musculoskeletal and fascial systems and the energetic pathways. Bowenwork addresses the body as a whole. It stimulates the body’s autonomic nervous system to rebalance and is gentle on the body. Your teacher for the day will be Gisela Bosch, a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner. Gisela has had an interest in the gentler methods of healing the body for many years.
Gisela is a Bowenwork Instructor and Practitioner in the Brighton Area.
Find out more at
Please RSVP by call or text 810 813 2310 or email 810 813 2310